I will understand the purpose of my class binder and begin a series of pre-assessments focused on assessing my current skills; today, I will assess my own speaking and listening skills (SL 1).
Entry Task:
As you come in, be sure all cell phones are silenced and stored away, grab a half sheet of paper off the front table, and sit where you can see, hear, and focus. We will start the day with a speaking and listening activity.
Discuss with a neighbor your strengths and areas of improvement regarding speaking and listening; be prepared to share. We will then need two volunteers to begin the activity.
What’s Going On:
Today we will overview your class notebook to prepare for a series of pre-assessments used to understand your current skills and to help you set goals for yourself in this course.
Course Resources (Tab to be added to throughout the term)
Exit Task:
After overviewing your binders, grab an About Me Cover Sheet to add to the cover of your binder. Use any remaining class time to begin working on this.
Clean up around you and neatly put your binder away. Remember, if you ever choose to take it with you, you are expected to have it with you in class each day.