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26 January: Final CommonLit


I can assess my overall reading ability using a nonfiction text (RI 10).

Entry Task:

As you come into class, view the list of Dystopias written on the board. Place a tally beneath it if you have heard of it but never read/seen/played it and a star if you have read/seen/played it.

Then grab your laptop and login to Google Classroom to complete our final CommonLit reading assessment.

What’s Going On:

As you are working, I will provide you with a list of any missing work and optional extension assignments you can complete to improve your overall grade before the end of the term. As others are finalizing their CommonLit, independently work on any of this.

Exit Task:

Once everyone is done, any remaining class time is yours to work on your timeline. You will have the first 20 minutes of class to finalize anything on your timeline before they are peer assessed.


© 2020 by T.Empsall

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