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2 November: Metamorphosis Part II


I can pull textual evidence to support my analysis of a text and read to evaluate the effectiveness of a story told through a variety of mediums (RL 1 & 4).

Entry Task:

As you come into class, grab your binder and prepare to play a round of Blooket to check in with our unit vocabulary.

What’s Going On:

To prepare for today’s reading, grab a reading pack off the front table. Today we will read Part II of Kafka’s The Metamorphosis focusing on the graphic novel adaptation.

Before we read, we will discuss features of a graphic novel and discuss new ways meaning and style are developed in visual texts. You will then have time to individually read part II of the graphic novel. Take time on your reading questions as you move throughout the novel.

If you finish early, I encourage you to skim through part one of the graphic novel as well to notice stylistic details and decide which format you prefer, and you may choose to complete the extension style analysis.

You may also choose to read through the traditional version of part II.

Exit Task:

Spend the last few minutes adding details to your answers and asking any questions you may have about today’s reading. Keep this work clipped into the back of your notebook to use later.


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