I can expand on our unit themes and use a variety of rhetorical strategies to craft a modern adaptation of one of our unit texts as a letter about a current or recent event of injustice (W 4)
Entry Task:
Log in to our Google Classroom to complete the vocabulary check-in. You will see your results immediately; return to your vocabulary list in your notebook and circle any of the words you missed to know where to focus before the quiz.
What’s Going On:
Today’s class time is our weekly intervention/extension time; choose between the following activities to work on for the remainder of our class time:
REQUIRED: Finish your Letter to Injustice planner (Google Classroom: week 8)
Work on missing/redo work
Complete comprehension minutes in Lexia (login to lexiapowerup.com)
Complete the extension writing by crafting a modern adaptation of one of our unit texts, imitating the author's rhetorical strategies and overall style using your Letter to Injustice planner
Complete an extension CommonLit reading (posted in Google Classroom: week 5)
Complete a rhetorical extension analysis (posted in Google Classroom: week 6)
Exit Task:
At the end of the day, complete the intervention/extension reflection for today’s participation points. Turn this into the bin at the front of the room.